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Can shopping second-hand help us save the planet?

Contrast of Cultivated Land and Natural Vegetation.webp

We’ll spare you the doom and gloom predictions, suffice to say we can’t let Greta Thurnberg carry all the weight. So today, we’re going to burst those dark clouds with a deep dive into why shopping second hand can save more than money.

Yep, let’s focus on the positives. Sure, saving the planet will take a lot of work, but we’re not scared of a little graft. In this blog, we’ll look at one of the easiest ways we can make a difference and tackle the climate emergency head-on, and it’s all about how we shop.

The environmental impact of shopping in the second hand market is bigger than you think. So, let’s discuss why opting for pre-owned goods is so good for the planet, with a list of five ways shopping second-hand can protect the environment.

#1 The laws of supply and demand

Today, the power of big data and e-commerce can predict teenage pregnancy before girls find out themselves. It’s terrifying but true. These days, online shopping data can identify subtle shifts in our everyday grocery buying habits that suggest a pregnancy may have occurred. So, ask yourself this. If AI and analytics can do this already, what’s the chance the same systems can spot a customer going for something pre-owned? We think it’s safe to say, the answer’s got to be close to 100%. The upshot of this means one less customer and one less gizmo in demand. Thinking logically, as AI is prone to do. If a tech company realises the trend to opt for the latest flagship phone veers towards a more sustainable second hand market, they may adjust for that. It’s possible that not only will they produce fewer phones, but they may begin to make more sustainable devices in a bid to capture a bigger market share.

#2 The answer is right up our street

These days we must face the fact that a lot of new produce is made in far-off lands, whether that means Korea, China, India, or beyond is a moot point. The important fact is, that no matter what you’re buying new, it’s going to have to travel a long way to get to you. If nothing changes by 2050 predictions from the Transport and Environment agency suggest that global shipping will be responsible for 10% of global emissions. By contrast, your new second-hand model may live just up the road and no one needs to cut down any trees to wrap it up!

#3 Better yours than mine!

Did you know that mining the lithium required to make smartphone and laptop batteries is literally salting the earth? The process of mining lithium involves pumping thousands of litres of brine over flat lands in countries like Peru, the end result is an alien landscape devoid of life and every time we buy a new phone the problem gets worse. If only we chose to opt for something pre-owned the tech world would quickly get the message. Once sales of new phones dry up maybe they’ll even look at alternative power sources in a bid to win back climate-conscious buyers.

#4 Making mountains into molehills

Everything we use, wear, and cherish has a purpose and place. The moment we stop using things we discard them. This waste creates mountainous landfill sites which destroy our environment and blight the landscape. Landfill sites take generations before the toxins in their soil abate and the land is safe to use again. By choosing to give an item a second life, you’re reducing the waste sent to landfill sites and incinerators.

#5 Leave only footprints

Anything we can do to lessen our impact on the environment is a task worth undertaking. Our constant need for newer, better, and faster things has led to accelerated resource extraction, habitat destruction, pollution from toxic chemicals, and harmful global emissions. Changing our buying patterns is the simplest solution to a universal problem. Second hand goods don’t cause any of the above. Every time we take the moral high road it sends a signal to the corporations to change their ways.

In conclusion

Changes don’t have to be make or break. Not every decision we make has to be critical. Sometimes the only way to make real change is by taking incremental steps. The world won’t register if little Suzy gets a new BMX this Christmas. However, if enough little girls wake up to discover the new bike Santa brought is just new to them, then the equation changes. If enough attitudes shift then a tipping point exists and the faster we reach it, the more we can do. So, if you’re looking to buy something, upgrade your phone, or maybe you’re worried about the approach of the jolly man in the red suit, then why not sign up for Riloop? We’ll help you save some cash, while you’re busy saving the planet.

Last updated on September 5, 2024 by:
Thomas ContassotRiloop's Founder
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