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Game on! Find retro gold in 2025 (Treasure Hunt Series, Part 2)

Retro Yellow Saltrob Handheld Gaming Device.webp

You don’t need to be a broker to make a killing in the market, well not in the retro game market anyway. The retro scene has been emerging into the mainstream for a few years now, but there’s still treasure to be found in the online marketplaces. So, join us, as we take a deep dive into the world of vintage games consoles and pick out our top old school tips for 2025.

1. Atari PONG!

Now, let’s be clear, we’re not talking about just any old TV game with a pair of paddles. Most of the time these TV table tennis consoles are best avoided. However, Atari’s original Pong machine has a significant birthday this year and this is one anniversary you don’t want to miss. The thing is, Atari’s home Pong console first hit the shelves in 1975 and therefore the machine celebrates its 50th anniversary this year. So, if you want to get in on the action before the inevitable Youtube tributes start rolling out, you better set up your Rilloop alerts now. That said, according to an auction at Christie’s last year, the cat might be out of the box.

2. Nintendo Entertainment System (NES for short)

Released ten years after Atari’s revolutionary home system in 1985, the humble NES also celebrates a significant birthday this year. Nintendo’s consoles have always been good solid investments, but this year in particular is a great time to lay your hands on a decent 1985 Nintendo Entertainment system. Some collectors have even taken to grading theirs, but we think this may be taking things an 8-bit too far.

3. NES Black Box Titles

Atari was a pioneering force in bringing video games to the masses, but they were also at least partly responsible for the subsequent early ‘80s crash. With poor quality control and some frankly shady marketing, games on the Atari home console often promised way more than they could ever deliver. Too often kids felt short changed after falling for wild claims and misleading artwork. Learning from their predecessors' mistakes, Nintendo decided to opt for a more honest marketing approach. So, when the NES console launched in 1985, all the games released alongside it featured the actual 8-bit pixel graphics on the packaging. These bold black box titles have become very sought after in recent years, but if you’re lucky you can still pick them up in console bundles today, some games though, well, you’ll have to be VERY lucky to find.

4. Grand Theft Auto

Although originally released in 1997, the first Grand Theft Auto game made video game history in so many ways it’s dizzying even trying to think about it. With the highly anticipated launch of GTA 6 still technically on the calendar for 2025 (although, most folks reckon 2026 9s more likely), now is a good time to track down those elusive first edition PC and PS1 copies. Some versions even came with an audio CD featuring the first game’s innovative sound track.

5. The Jaguar Jn-100 Raku Mishin GameBoy Sewing Machine

What do you mean you haven’t heard of the Jaguar Jn-100 sewing machine for the Nintendo Gameboy? Or did you mean you hadn’t heard of the first one? Wait, you didn’t know there were three of them? Ok, we’ll let you off. Truth is, not many people besides Japanese schoolgirls in the early 2000’s knew about these, perhaps the weirdest gaming accessory for any console ever. In Japan, they were a big deal and multiple versions and iterations were manufactured. That said, today, they have become holy grail collector’s items for gamers all over the world and none of them are exactly cheap. However, the reason they make our list and what makes them particularly intriguing is that according to deep retro lore, for some inexplicable reason a European version of this console-controlled sewing machine exists and was released in the early 2000’s under the Singer brand. No one seems to know much about these machines and there’s a good chance that some of them are just sitting on a shelf somewhere waiting for the right person to unearth them. So, here’s what you’re looking for, good luck. Oh, and don’t forget that with Riloop you can set up custom searches that cover all the major online marketplaces.

It’s not all about the Holy Grails

While it’s fun to talk about the rarest prizes, you can still have fun and make a few bucks in the retro games market without striking 8-bit gold. Before you set off on your grail quest though, here are some tips to help you make the most from vintage video games.

Condition is king

Collectors cover those box-fresh, still-in-shrinkwrap vibes. Avoid anything that looks like it’s lost a fight with a washing machine.

Model concerns

Each manufacturer produces many versions of their products and they’re often wildly different from each other. The best way to identify if you’re looking at a coveted PS2-compatible PlayStation 3 console and not a standard slim is by checking the model number. You can often find this ok in a label in the bottom of the console, also beware of any machines without serial numbers as the big high street retailers like CEX (Consumer Electronics Exchange) can refuse to purchase them which can make them less appealing to future buyers.

Shake? Rattle? Then roll!

Testing any electronics in the field can be a chore. However, whilst you might not be able to turn anything on, let alone check it has the latest firmware update, you can tell a lot about a console or a controller by giving it a quick shake. Any rattles are likely to be the result of loose components and that’s a big red flag.

Never judge a game by its cover

It might sound obvious, because it is, but you’ll hear lots of horror stories about collectors returning home to discover they’ve shelled out hundreds of bucks for a bunch of empty cases. Always take the time to make sure any games you’re buying are complete and also the actual edition you’re paying for.

In conclusion

There you have it, our pick of the best retro gaming investments for 2025, but what do you think? Is there anything we missed? Did you have any of the consoles we’ve listed, or do you know where all the Gameboy Sewing machines went? If so, it’s only polite to share and remember with a free Riloop account you can set up advanced custom alerts and searches across all the best online marketplaces, try it today.

Last updated on March 3, 2025 by:
Thomas ContassotRiloop's Founder
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